Friday, May 21, 2010

What do I do if one of my baby kittens just died like 20 min. ago. And its hurting me so bably.?

I loved her so bad, and we don't know what really hapened. What do you hink happened?
I'm sorry about your loss. I can't really tell you what happened. sometimes it could be because of water in the lungs or it could have a heart problem or lots of things could have happened depending on the age.
I definitely feel your pain, I bottle-raised three abandoned kittens, and lost one, last year...

Sometimes kittens just aren't strong enough or well enough to make it.

If you're really wondering, you can take it to your vet, and see if he or she can offer any clues.
i m so sorry hearing that. i love cats very much.
its a horrible thing when a loved pet dies...nothing can take away the pain . we just need to learn that having a pet usually involves,happiness, sickness,injuries and even death. I work at a clinic and I am comforted knowing that people like you however briefly were involved with the life of this animal. Keep on caring for animals as much as you do... not knowing the details i cant answer how it happened sorry
just think, its playing with all of the other little kittens in heaven. she is going to be happier now. I know how you feel, this happens alot to me, I live on a farm and we have alot of cats to keep the mice away, but only one mother cat. She has kittens every year, about five usually. Only about one or two make it if that. Its a natural thing, could you imagine if every cat that was born lived, WOW that would be alot of cats. So whats meant to happen will always be, and no matter how much you want that kitten to be here, you have to realize that it was just not meant to be
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You just have to take comfort in the fact that you did all that you could, and that kitten knew that he or she was loved, even if only for just a short time. I know how hard it is, I foster 40+ kittens a summer, and lose a lot for various reason. I have lost 3 since February, two of which had FKS (Fading Kitten Syndrome) and one succumb to Coccidia just last week. I'm attaching a link to a poem called the Rainbow Bridge, hopefully it will help you as much as it has myself.
Get a grip. It's a frickin cat.

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