Friday, July 31, 2009

What can I do about my sick kitty?

My 8 week old kitty, Penny, has been sick for about 3 days now. I don't know what to do. Her eyes are sort of glazed over and she barely eats. She's been walking funny as well, in a sort of a bow-legged waddle. I'm going to take her to the vet tomorrow morning, but I was hoping to get some insight as to what is going on with her.
The bow-legged waddle is an indication that she is EXTREMELY sick. I hope that she doesn't have leukemia. That will hit a baby hard. If she does and the vet suggests putting her down, here is some info for you. I help run an animal shelter and we were at a meeting with several people from other shelters. One runs a cat shelter. They learned that if you give a cat with leukemia its shot and a week later another leukemia shot and continue this for a month it cures them. They told us this 3 years a go and it has been working for all of us in the shelter group.
If she has a runny nose then it is probably distemper. A distemper shot will cure this. Try to get some moist food into her mouth tonight. Place it on her tongue. Do not give her milk, this will cause diarrhea. I will keep you in my thoughts tonight. I hope she makes it.
There is no such thing as diagnosis over the Internet. But the fact that she is not eating, may be staggering, and is glazing in the eyes, tells me she is probably dehydrated to a severe degree.

If you have a syringe of some kind or can get one from the pharmacy, throw away the needle and use the barrel to squirt water into her mouth every 2-3 hours. A 3ml/cc syringe is only half a teaspoon, but it will keep her going until tomorrow.
8 weeks old is a MINIMUM age to be taken home. She could be dehydrated, at best, at worse she could have leukemia or some type of virus.

Give her some pedia-lyte in a syringe and some ener-vite (vitamin/energy boost) about every 2-3 hours. Hopefully this gets her through the night.

Honestly, if she is that sick, since she is SO young, be prepared to put her down.

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