Friday, July 31, 2009

What breed is my cat?

I rescued one of my cats about a year ago and am curious about his breed. Some guy dumped him in a box along with his brothers and sisters, at Petsmart where I use to work. So I have no idea what his mom and dad were.
When he was a kitten, he resembled a bengal. Although, we knew he wasn't. Now he is a year old and has "swirls" on his sides which remind me of an American Shorthair. I know he is probably a mix but I'd love to know if you guys think he has some American Shorthair in him. His tail is also really long; a foot and a half.
Here are some pics for reference.

The second is him as kitten but you can't really see his swirls and bengal type markings. He looks more like a regular tabby there.
i think it is an.and some info about it too
American Shorthair, breed of common shorthaired cat. The American shorthair descended from domestic cats brought to North America by European settlers, including the pilgrims on the Mayflower in 1620.

The American shorthair has a medium to large, powerfully built body, with a muscular chest and shoulders. The head is broad and rounded, with a squared muzzle. Well-developed cheeks characterize the male. The medium- to large-sized, round eyes are set wide apart, and are slightly higher at the outer corners. The ears are medium-sized, and the broad tail tapers to a blunt tip.

This cat comes in many colors, including black, blue-gray, brown, cream, orange, and ivory, which appear in solid, bi-colored, and tabby patterns. The silver tabby, with silver fur, black stripes, and a distinctive black M shape on its forehead, is a well-recognized example of the American shorthair. Its short, even-textured coat protects the cat from cold and wet weather. Eye coloring ranges from blue or green to gold, depending on the color of the coat. Known for its hunting skills, the American shorthair has good stamina and generally is resistant to disease.

nice cat!
Definately American shortair in her. American shorthair tabby cat.
his coat pattern is classified as a chocolate or brown tabby pattern so defidently a tabby cat
OMG, I used to have a cat that almost was exactly like yours, and the vet said that they call it a dappled tabby or something like that and that he was a domestic short hair.

Our cats name was tigger
So precious, he looks like he is American Shorthair for sure. He is adorable, I see why you took him home!!!
It looks like a egyptian mau. With the M on the forehead is a Mau. My cat is exactly like that and she fetches balls like a dog. She is awesome
I have two similar to him, one is Tiger and the other is Tigger, they are litter mates, hubby and I call them the tiger twins. definitely a Tabby
looks like a domestic short haired cat to me...very cute one.
That is one beautiful kitty! But are you sure this is a "he"??? You have a tri-color and the rule is female for cats with three colors. Just looking at the pix, I see three colors there. Don't have a clue to the breed! Most vets have breed charts and I'm sure there are some on the net. If indeed you have a male tri-color, that is extremely rare. If that's the case, you might think twice about getting him neutered unless you have already! You might check out Cat Fancy magazine. They must have a web site. See if there are any clubs in your area. Then again, you may have an entirely new breed because cats do that. I actually see a bit of maine coon in there especially with the stripes on the legs...but they are way too broad. Looks like a fluffy belly with shorter hair on the back but the golden brown hair says female. What a neat cat! Good luck!
Hes very cute and i have no idea!
To be honest...I have no clue what type of cat you have, lol. I just had to say bravo on the pictures!! Those are great kitty pics, and he is a handsome little guy. Darn, I can never get my cats to sit still for a picture.:(

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