Friday, July 31, 2009

What are signs my cat is in labor or will soon be in labor?

I have a cat who is very pregnant. We believe she became pregnant around March 10, which puts her very close to giving birth. How will I tell when she is about to give birth?? How will her behaviors change?? And what are the obvious signs?? She is generally a very lovey cat! we live on a farm and I just dont want her to hide somewhere to have the kittens and then end up having complications and not being able to find her. We had this problem with our last cat. Thank you!
Twelve to forty-eight hours before the onset of labor your cat will seem more anxious and restless. She will often begin looking for a place to nest and have the litter. Cats that are about to go into labor will usually lick their abdomen and vagina persistently.
There is often a discharge that precedes birthing but the mother may lick it away before you see it.
You may notice that she stops eating, although some cats will eat throughout the entire process.
You may see her breathing become more rapid. In some cases the mother will sit with her mouth open and yowl loudly or pace.
As her labor progresses and uterine contractions begin she will lay on her side and frequently squat and press downward to push the kittens out.
If you have been thru this before, and you have had your cat hide having kittens, then you should have spent time researching and learning before you allowed your cat to become pregnant.. Not wait til moments before the impending birth to wonder how you should do things differently.

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