Thursday, July 30, 2009

Well bad news still as of today.please tell me what else i can do???

well my cat is still hiding.. it has been almost 2 weeks now and i dont know what else i can do .. i have the dog in the kitchen and the cat is still hiding !! the cat will only come out at nite to eat and thats all... any other ideas for me ???
I do not know your story. I can tell you one of mine. We adopted a Persian 13 year ago. I did the same thing with her as I have all the cats I have introduced to the household. The first night she was put with the other cat, she disappeared. We looked for her for weeks. I was sure she had gotten out of house. 6 months later, yes months, I saw what appeared to be a huge rat run across my hallway floor. We sealed off the hallway and found Molly (the Persian). She had hid all that time. She must have come out at night to eat, drink and use the litter. It took her 6 more months before she came near any of us. I fell a sleep in the recliner and woke up with her laying on my chest, staring at me. I stayed in my recliner for another 5 hours until she left. After that night she began sleeping with me. After weeks of that she actually let me pet her, once. It took her 18 months to allow us into her safety net. After all these year, she still will not allow us to pick her up. She is treasured part of our family. Just like with people cats need time. I hope you can give your cat the time it needs.
Cats are slow to come around, I would give her another couple of weeks at least.
cats can be stubborn give her some more time also try to pay more attention to her if you can I am sure she is on the jealous side right now . try coaxing her out with treats if you can

good luck

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