Friday, July 31, 2009

What are signs a cat has worms?

is bloating of the stomache a sign of worms???
Cats get worms by eating raw meat, ingesting fleas, or from a queen, or mother cat, who passes worms through her placenta or milk to her kittens. If you notice your cat dragging, or scooting, her rear end along the floor, she could have any one of several varieties of worms. Tapeworm segments look like small pieces of rice when they pass in a cats stool, but when they dry and stick to the hair under a cats tail, they look like sesame seeds. Roundworms are longer, spaghetti-type worms that usually cause diarrhea, vomiting, or weight loss. Hookworms and whipworms are other long white worms that live in and damage the intestines. Regardless of the variety, worms are a nuisance and a threat to your cats health. If live worms or segments are not observed externally, a microscopic fecal examination for worm eggs by your vet is the best way to discover if intestinal worms are present. No matter the circumstance, it is best to check with your veterinarian about diagnosis and treatment.
Yes. And take a stool sample in to your vet.
check the cats poop! when a cat has worms, usually youll see them in that.
yes bloating and you will also see little white worms in their poop. and sometimes they can fall out of their bottom end on to the carpet and if you have other pets they can get worms also
yep sure is. you should probably have it see a vet. maybe show your neighbor
Signs of worm infection, depending on the type of worm, include:

Change in appetite and a poor coat
'Pot-belly鈥?appearance (especially kittens)
Weight loss
Diarrhea and/or vomiting
Anemia (pale skin %26 gums)
Worm segments (like rice grains) in droppings %26 around the anus
Continual licking of anal area
Death in severe cases
yes bloating of the stomach loss of energy, actual worms coming out of the anus, eating a lot or not eating at all are signs of worms in an animal.
Here are some symptoms of worms in a cat:

-Anemia (pale gums/mucus membranes)
-dull, dry and course coat.
-Weight loss
-diarrhea and sometimes vomiting
-Bloating or swollen belly.
-change in their diet or eating habits.
-excessive grooming of their anus
-and there may even be evidence hookworms in the feces. They look like white rice.

If your cat has any of these symptoms you may want to pick up some dewormer and get in contact with a vet. Good luck
my cat has had worms, i noticed them hanging onto the hair under his tail..yuk
To add to what everyone else said, many cats "scoot" around on their butts when they have worms as a way of "scratching".
It can be, especially in kittens. An animal can get several varieties of worms. Some ar more obvious than others. If your cat gets fleas, %26 eats a flea, it will get tapeworms - these may appear like tiny grains of rice around the cat's rear. Round worms are longer %26 squiggle around %26 may be seen in feces or vomit. A vet can do a "fecal float" to check for worms %26 prescribe appropriate meds that are safer than those found in the grocery store - some of those grocery store de-wormers only kill some worms %26 not others. Get a fecal check at the vets.
When I rescued my cat from the pound he had worms. We were laying on the bed and got up and turned his butt to my face when a worm was coming out. Check his/her butt often. All the other responses are good as well.

Get to the vet right away for deworm medicine.
Yes it is, along with diarrhoea. However, this could also be a sign of a more serious illness, so get your cat to a vet in any case. You need to be worming them regularly anyway - prevention is better than cure.

yes, And WHY are u too cheap (or too stupid) to spring for a yearly physical for your cat?? You should not even own a pet if you have to submit such a ? stupid!!!??

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