Sunday, August 2, 2009

What cat breed should I get?

Hi. Me and my family are living overseas in Germany. We may stay here for 6 more years, if my dad gets a civilian job once he retires out of the military.

So if we stay, we're probably going to get a cat. What breed of cat should we get? I want one that's sociable, not to hyber and needy, one that won't scratch up everything (we are NOT declawing it). I'd prefer an indoor, or primarily indoor cat, I'm always seeing cat road-kill, and always hearing about how someone's cat got killed by a coyote (in the states), a hawk, owl, fox, or whatever-there are a lot of foxes and hawks here. We have a dog, a large golden retriever, male, that will be about 1 and a half-2 years old by the time we'd be getting the cat, and I don't know how fast this 1 would mellow out (hes a brute too lol). Also, I'd prefer a water-tolerant one that won't attack my caged pets. I also know that I need to get it early to help with its temperment to people.
Honestly, all kittens are hyper, no matter the breed. I'd suggest getting an adult cat from a shelter or breed rescue group. The shelter staff or foster owners should be familiar with their cats' temperaments, and should be able to help you find the best match for your household. You may even be able to find one that has lived with dogs before %26 is known to get along well with them. I wouldn't trust any cat not to go after your caged pets, unless it has a history of good behavior with them. Or, you could grin %26 bear through the kitten madness, and get a kitten who has NEVER been outdoors and wasn't taught by his mother to hunt, and raise it around the small caged pets.

Turkish Van cats are a breed that likes water.

To prevent inappropriate scratching behaviors, this link has excellent training info:
don't know breed name, but it has black body, and usually has white paws, those cats r awesome
A maine coon would be a good choice. I had one for 6 years and she was a brilliant cat. she was very loveable.

I just thought of a wonderful breed. A manx. They're great. =]
Get a Bengal Cat. Altho don't expect it to be energy free. It loves water tho.
Just 2 let u know, shelter animals r awesome. i got my tabby from the Dumb Friends League in Denver and he is really sweet, he doesn't scratch the couches and he's wonderful. get a shelter kitty. i have a shelter dog and she luuuuuuvs people. shelter animals are good.
Another choice is the Rag Doll breed. They are everything you mentioned you were looking for plus some!
it all depends. all cats are diffrent. but if you get a cat that was raised indoors, and has never been out side, that is your best bet.
Persains are really good. I have one, and he has an aweosme personality. He's very relaxed, and has his spaz moments. He's playful, and an indoor cat. you shouldn't have Persains as outdoor cats. i have a dog, and they get along quite well. They are extremely cute, and aren't jumpy. There social with anybody, and are just very lovable. I would recommend a Persain to anyone anyday.

Good luck with your future kitty!
I had a minx cat one time. He was so sweet. As far as a cat that won't claw and scratch you furniture up I have never heard of one. Good luck!
it really depends on the type of cat that fits to your liking. many have different personalities. try asking your animal shelter or vet about the behavbiors and personality of cats or read some of the books. it can help quite alot.
u should get a dog dude... ( :
Calicos are so pretty, and I think very temperamental
eek, not a Persain, they're mean. Please rescue one. You'll be able to tell their temperament when you visit.
Forget breeders. All they do is perpetuate overpopulation in order to make money. Go to the shelter and get a pet. Ask the shelter personnel about the background of the animals they have. All cats will scratch -that's just cats. You need to keeps its claws clipped. Good for you about not declawing - it's barbaric.

You do have the right idea - your cat should be neutered or spayed and never allowed outside, both for its own protection and for the protection of wildlife.

What gender depends on the animal you choose. Each cat is an individual and has its own little personality.
I recommend Siamese. They are one of the most dog-like of cats.
barn cats are good(its not a breed they just used to live in barns) but they do like the outside
persians are sweet but you need to comb it perfectly every day!
Firstly, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for wanting to keep kitty indoors and for choosing NOT to declaw! Good for you, and don't let anyone change your mind.

Secondly, what you need is a kitty who is calm, docile, requires limited attention, and gets along great with people and other animals. Based upon this, I recommend that you get an Exotic Shorthair. They are calm and docile just like Persians. They are perfect for busy people who like the appearance of Persians but who also don't want to contend with the grooming requirements, which was the motivation for crossing the Persian with shorthairs until the resulting Exotic was born. An Exotic is a wonderful companion. You should get a female Exotic if you require lots of private time, as the males are more affectionate and demanding of rubs and lap time. The females, on the other hand, enjoy time to themselves to investigate all the little things in life, such as dripping water faucets and bugs flying around the house. They always seem to have something more important to do than humoring their owners. Although they will sometimes follow you around from room to room just to be close to you. Most Exotics get along with other cats and animals. Although, if you have mice or other rodents, it's advisable that you make sure their ''houses'' are secure since the Exotic does tend to take a playful interest in these critters.

Exotics, while they do have their playful moments (particularly the kittens), they are very quiet and easy going. They are peaceful and loyal companions who are not easily disturbed. They seldom ''meow'', and, while they enjoy the presence of their guardians, they are very independent. And since they have a thick, dense, short coat, unlike Persians, grooming is extremely low maintenance. Their fur never tangles or mats (one of the reasons why Exotics are often referred to as "the lazy man's Persian"). They are adorable, as their coats give them a sort of ''teddy bear'' look.

If possible, try to get a kitty from a cat rescue. It's a rewarding experience to know that you're helping a kitty as much as he/she is helping you. 鈾?
wall breed have quirks advantages and disadvantages I personally stay away from long hairs as while they can be very loving cats the fur get everywhere and every morning you need to de-fur your clothes
water tolerance and cats do not naturally come together but can be trained while is how cats are often of sailing vessels.

and I recommend spaying unless you get a pure bread breeder but also remember the purebreds are often a bit inbred thus are often higher maintenance.

I also recommend front declaring only unless it is an outdoor cat as all cats scratch so if you like you furniture you do it
other wise if not you have to be religiously with clipping there front claws very close which is often more torment for the cat over time then declawing not to mention the verbal abuse of always yelling at the cat when they naturally scratch
just make sure you get a good doctor when your doing it as just as you would not go to the cheapest surgeon so why would you do that for your pet

also with all the issues I suggest going with organic pet food
A maine coon would shed too much. just get any shorthair cat doesnt have to be purebred most 'pound' cats have varied personalities you can easily find one to fit your needs search the internet or go to the pound

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