Sunday, August 2, 2009

What can you use to get rid of fleas on a six-week-old kitten?

Try gently bathing your kitten, this will get rid of some but not all. I had the same problem when i got my cat, What i did was get a nit comb and a bowl of very hot water (just keep it away from kitty) then i combed my cats fur til a flea got stuck in the teeth then i used a needle to get the flea into the hot water and this kills em! I repeated this every day til he was old enough for frontline. Failing this ask your vet for advise.
Take it to the vet, they will be the only ones to have the correct products for this.
Talk to a vet...
All I can say is do not try to give it a bath.
I tried that one time and it was NOT pleasant. All the fleas rushed to its face and gathered around its eyes.
The vet has diff. flea meds for diff. weight classes. Just check with the vet. DO NOT use the stuff in stores they don't work and it's bad for their skin. I've had exp. in both depts here. I just went to the vet %26 in a few sec. of putting the meds. on it they started dying off...they fleas that is :)
sevan it at walmart
Go to the pet store. They can show which things are safe for a kitten.
A daily bath with kitten safe shampoo and pluck the fleas off with a pair of tweezers and a jar of water to put them in. Did that for the first three days, then every seven days or so for 2 days in a row, and after a month there were no more fleas. Be sure to wash his bedding every day and vacuum the areas he is in while he is being dried off.
Use "Frontline Plus". It worked on my kitty
It's going to take awhile, but the safest way to go is to pick each one of them off and make sure you kill them. It isn't good to use flea medicine on kittens that young.
If you are just wanting to get them off the kitten, you can do that by giving your kitten a bath, It is kinda harsh, but use a detergent soap, like dawn dish soap, make sure you rinse the kitten very very well. Your vet will have some sprays, and flea preventitive for your kitten, that is what you really need. You need to get the flea issue nipped as soon as possible, or else you can get an infestation in your home...

Good Luck
A kitten that young may be too young for many remedies. Go to your vet. There is a product called Ovitrol that is safe on young kittens. You spray it on a cloth and gently rub the kitten, avoiding eyes.
Check with your vet or a pet store. I would recommend a flea mouse, but there are certain chemicals you should avoid like pyrethrins.
it's going to be best to take it to a vet to see what can be done, because most of the shampoo's out there for fleas and even the collars have a certain age limit on it.
You cant treat kittens that young. But you can give them baths, and treat the area they are sleeping in. Borax (laundry soap) can be sprinkled in the area...let it sit over night...then vaccum the next day. Do this for a week and you will see less and less fleas. But, you can bathe them. Just dont use strong soap as it can dry out their skin.
I was told by a vet to use rubbing alcohol. Put some on a wash cloth and rub them with it. I also bathed mine when they were little all the time. My cat is easy to bath because of this. My other cat, I did not bathe when it was young because I did not get her till she was 8 weeks old. She try's to kill me if I bathe her, so I quit bathing her.

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