Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Trampolines and Cats: Do They Mix?

A question for anyone who has a trampoline and a cat(s):
Will a cat get on a trampoline (when it's not in use, of course!) and sharpen their claws on it, and if so, can they do major damage? Is there any way to keep them off?
I have a trampoline that has a net around it, so my two cats cannot get inside to sharpen their claws. A net for your trampoline may be expensive, but it will keep your cats from getting inside and is a great safety device. I can't tell you how many times I would have gotten hurt without it. Yes, if a cat decided to sharpen its claws on a trampoline it would to major damage. My cats and my dog like to climb under the trampoline though, because it is a good source of shade. My cats do get on the trampoline, but they have to stay on the padded portion that circles the outside and covers the springs, because, like I said, it has a net keeping them out of the damageable portion.
There is a chance of that happening. But since trampolines give a little, a cat isn't likely to jump on it - they like to be on stable ground.

Go to your local Lowes or Home Depot and get some 'STAY AWAY'. It's in the garden section. It's used to keep animals away from gardens, just sprinkle it around the area of your trampoline. It should deter it.
cats are curious and will want to check it out, especially if its a new thing. You may want to look into a cover to keep it safe from cats and other things that could wreck the trampoline.
I can't imagine a cat enjoying being on a trampoline very much. As another commenter said, it's not a very stable surface. That being said, I'm sure they would like the padding over the springs, but there are a lot of other things outside that are much more accessible to sharpen claws on.
I'd hedge my bets and say no, the average cat wouldn't bother with a trampoline.

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