Thursday, July 30, 2009

Was I cruel to do this?

Ok I have one litter of kittens that's about 11 days old, yesterday my other female had one kitten. After the kitten was born, and we moved her into our room in a box next to the cat with the older kittens the mother of the younger one seemed disinterested in her kitten and kept jumping into the box with the older kittens and their mother leaving the newborn by himself. We actually would have to remove her from the one box and put her with her own kitten then she feed it for a few seconds then go right back to the other box leaving a mewling kitten behind. It seemed like the mother of the younger one was not intersted in caring for her kitten, so I took the kitten and put it with the older kittens and their mother then threw the mother of the younger cat out of the room. This actually seems to be working better the mother's taking care of the younger cat as well as her own. And the little one's been content and quiet since. However the mother cat's been howling outside the bedroom.
Instincts are probably pushing the mom of the younger kitten to react more strongly to the louder mewling of the larger litter. And so the single kitten gets left out. I don't think that she's a bad mother, nor are you cruel. Is there anyway you could rotate "shifts" of the two cats? Or maybe even split up the litter and rotate them around so that the two mothers have more equal-sized litters to take care of? Obviously the mom wants to take care of some babies, but the cries of just one weren't enough to stimulate her. Hope this helps and best of luck with your little ones.
you are very cruel!! how could you!! you should be ashamed! hahah j/k you obviously care enough about the cats to type up such a long question.. i stopped halfways..
the cat is jealous. it'll get over it.
No I think you were right. The disinterested mother seems more interested in the action going on in the other box and not with her one kitten. The other mother seems more emotionally equipped to handle kittens, sometimes even in the animal kingdom new mothers are not ready to handle motherhood and some even go so far as to abandon or eat their young offspring!
No offense but are you stupid? Why would you put them in the same room as another nursing mother? you aren't cruel to do that--you are obviously just too dumb to know any better. leave the kitten with the new mother and know that you emotionally scarred your other cat for life because guess what? I've seen what happens to mother cats when they mourn lost kittens - they NEVER return to normal. Good luck :)
No I don't think you were cruel-you solved one problem and created another-now you have a howling cat outside the door.
Females generally learn to care for their young from their own Mothers. This is why zoologists have difficulty sometimes with the offspring of captive bred animals. Your other female may have been removed from her own mother far to early. As a result, she may not know how to care for her own. Were you cruel??? I don't believe so, you were faced with the survival of the younger kitten. Your choice may have been difficult, but not cruel.
OOOH The poor momma She misses her baby. Please put her and her baby in another room. and try again, she needs her baby. New Mother Cats sometimes take time to adjust.
You are not cruel. I would do the same, maybe you should reunite the mother and kitten and see what happens.
No, definitely not cruel. Last year, we had a litter of Boxers and a litter of Boston Terriers, the Boxer ***** stopped producing milk so we had no choice but to let the Boston raise the two remaining pups, the Boston did a great job, your surrogate cat, will do fine also.
I don't think you were cruel. You had to protect the newborn and for whatever reasons his mother was not up to the task. (Sometimes this happens.) The fact that she is trying to get back in the room doesn't indicate a renewed interest in her kitten. She may just want to be with the other cat. I think you did the right thing. Oh and once everyone is done nursing, do have the mom's spayed.

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