Friday, July 31, 2009

What are you supposed to feed kittens that have recently been weened from their mother?

If the kittens are atleast 8 weeks of age, they are ready to be put on a premium brand dry food and feel free to add a little warm water if you want to. At 10 weeks... Just dry is fine. If the kittens are less than 8 weeks... you could mix some good high quality dry food with a little KMR. Which is a kitten formula that you can get at PetSmart and probably any other Pet store. Good luck and keep us in mind if you have any other questions. And it would be a smart and responsible move to get the female spayed now. Save lives!!!
Kitten chow..wet or dry. Whatever they will eat.
a complete kitten food such as hills or iams. avoid human food as kittens need certain amounts of vitamins and minerals to grow properly eg. more calcium.
Start them out with a good wet kitten food (Authority, Max Cat), mixed with a little KMR and some water so it's kind of soupy. You can put out some dry kitten food as well, and water of course. After a while you can remove the KMR from the wet food.
Kitten chow. If you need to, you can add some warm water to the food, to make it a little mushy. Then, gradually decrease the amount of water you add until they're eating solid food.
Very soft cat food warmed slightly in the microwave, or feed them simulac (for newborns) from an eye dropper or a doll bottle. It has unbelievable amount of vitamins and makes their immune systems so much more stronger while they are still so young.

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