Friday, July 31, 2009

What are some strange names you've had for your cats?

I used to have one named
'Little Itty Bitty Teeny Weeny Tiny Tiger Poo', Tiger Poo for short.

I have one now named 'Demona Snowbear', because she is a white female demon!

And her sister is 'Skank', because she is a runt, blind, and SO ugly (but SO lovable).
Well, all mine are definitely tame compared to yours, although I thought they were wonderfully evocative names at the time...

Cinnamon for my first cat, a lovely (you guessed it) cinnamon coloured tabby.

Then Smokey Joe, although I didn't get the pleasure of naming him. He was the neighbours cat who spent so much time at our house, that when we paid $200 to get him healthy at the Vet, they told us to keep him.

Kitty who my sister named. She was a wonderful smart cat who definitely deserved a more substantial name.

Princess, who was--also retarded, so she never grew out of the name either.

Patches--Princesses sister. Who was blind and delicate and had fur patched in big sections of colour. She looked like a quilted cat sitting on the edge of the coffee table and was quite good at startling visitors when she finally moved who didn't realize she was real.

Tom, who was a big, completely black, 30 plus pound Tom Cat. Everybody's friend. He was found in the freezer of the local Chinese restaurant six months after he went missing, and we could identify him from a chipped tooth and the sheer size of him.

Little Miss Muffett, who was prissy and stuck up.

Smokey Joe II, who was named after the first one because they shared the same colouring. But ended up growing to the size of Tom, although when we brought him home he was small enough to perch on your palm.

Spooky who my grandson thought looked spooky. She's smart too. I keep on wondering if she may be my mother come back to watch over us, because she certainly acts very un-cat-like at times.

And Samwise, who is a little grey terror. She looks just like a cougar. Is very vocal. And loves nothing better than waking you up to "play" in the middle of the night. And she was named Samwise, because from the moment she entered my daughter's apartment, she remained glued to my daughter's side, like a little shadow.
"Daddy's Little 370 pound killing machine"
(She's never hunted anything but moths and stuff in her life, LOL)
Anabell fluffkins of ofkins tertuffkins, My favorite female cat, Socrates (aka handsome boy) for my male cat.
Well, I had one named Kideon of Scotland Yard. My dad said there had been a movie called Gideon of Scotland Yard, so we just made the one adjustment. We also had cats named Ghostly, Malachi, and Houdini.
i had one named moosh but.. i dont know if thats weird
I once had a cat named Striper because of her stripes. Everyone called her "Stripper."

Isabelle, my current cat, has a bunch of strange nicknames (all of which she answers to), including Lizard Butt and Snickerdoodle Cookie...

We used to have another little brat...her real name was Frisky but everyone called her Sh*tty Kitty. I loved her. :-)
salt, re-verse, blue britches, speckles, sugar...maybe all of the cats I've ever had, had strange names.
my cat is mean she eats all the bugs in my house and pukes a lot.her name is fluffy.

Ive got another cat too her name is princess. she also eats bugs alot.and is great with children.
I had two cats named Harvey and Bernie They bore a resemblance

I had a huge cat named thunderballs. He did most of the cats in town, on top of cars etc.

I lost Velvet and Max to cancer and george when my daughter was born. I'm down to three.

Molly And Angel
Poogle-berry. My-Little-Mooshy-Kins. Bigsy-Wigsy. Chubbzy-Wubbzy... The list is endless, I get a bit carried away with names...
I had two cats, but one recently died. Her name was pretty normal 'Beauty', but I usually called her "my little moustache girl", because she had two markings/beauty marks under her nose that fanned out like a moustache.
The other is called 'Brat', and beleive me that's the one %26 only word that comes out of your mouth in regards to her! She's used up her nine lives three times over! Sometimes she's a cute Brat %26 others times she's a "if I catch you you're in big trouble" kind of Brat. Take heed... I do catch her, but I never follow through with my threats, she's too special %26 she's all I've got, now that the other one has passed on.
We've had; Starsky, Hutch, Moose, Tweek, Twister, Squeech, Muffin, Bimbo, Brandy, Tulakeya, Petrie, Big Boy, Miss Kitty, Herkie and Yoda.
My sister had a Bangalee and a Catundra (not sure of the spelling, but they were named after the children's books of the same name).
My sister in law has a Diego, Jester, Tink, Spaz and Mini Me.
MAU (pronounced may-yoo) (short for Master of the Universe),

Kung Pao %26 Dim Sum (seal point Siamese brothers),

Puff Daddy (one of the furriest Persians I've ever seen),

Rusty Butt (because he had a brown ring around his butt),

Snowcaps (because she was black with white "sprinkles" on her head),

Miller (my favorite beer, LOL),

Sylvester %26 Tweety (brothers- one black %26 white and the other yellow %26white),

Tuxedo (black with white streak on neck and belly),

The list goes on. It would take all day. LOL!
well theres pootle
then apple which we renamed pilon
and then mylo
Once Upon a Midnight Dreary - midnight for short
Rags, Tag along (Rags and Tag along are the same cat), Poopy Pie Pankcake Paws (pankcacke and poo ie for short), Leeleey ( lily for short) (the odd thing about that name is it was a boy cat),Mezzie, Triangel Cat, Tuesday,Wifferler, Twitter, Tibboman (Tibby for short), Kitty Bon Bon ( K Bon for short), Hoo-Bee-Gee-Jo, Marshmelloo, Hopper ( Hopper, Marshmelloo, and Rags are Sisters and Brother), Thats all the names I can remember of my cats.
my cats are named red, blue, obi1, and sheds a lot
My cat (in the avatar) is named Cornbread. It just fit!
Well lets see... I once had "Ol' @sslicker", then there was "skanky biotch" and and "slutbucket" Now I have a tom call "big dick".
I have Genghis and Kaya.
Prowler because he always acted like he was on the prowl, Thunder (Russian Blue) named to go with his mama's name (Storm) Pistol (rhymed with crystal my cat had a litter of kittens and two were nearly identical and my sister thought pistol was the best that would rhyme) and I don't know if you'd consider this one strange but I had an Angel, I bought her from a pet store as a kitten was told (s)he was a girl, 4 months later the vet asks me why I have a male named Angel.
Ask her
Schr枚dinger - big big black and white tom cat. My brother was studying the history of science when we got him.
These don't seem like strange names to me, but you decide. I had one called HONDA because he purred like a motorbike, one called RUBBISH , because she was in a very bad condition when she came to us, then her brother arrived, and he was in such a bad condition we simply called him DITTO one called DOORSTOP, because sits in front of the door constantly. Then there was GOING, because he used to go for mini vacations on his own. There was INTRUDER, because she just walked in one day, and decided she was living with us.PARTTIME started out as only being my cat for part of the time, going back to visit his original owners from time to time. There is also HANDBRAKE, because it was time to put a stop to getting more cats. CATATITUDE is a cat with an extreme attitude. There are many more that I have, and have had through the years, like TELEMACHUS, SOCRATES, IDAPUSS, XANDOR. Believe me, I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. None of my cats have ever had what other people call "normal"names.

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