Thursday, July 30, 2009

We took in a pregnant cat, not sure how far along she is..what signs should we look for?

she is licking herself as if to stimulate the nipples to produce milk..any other signs to look for?
can you see or feel the babies moving if you can she probably has about 1-2 weeks to go. 48 hours to go she will pace and check for a nesting site in a dark quite area like in a cupboard make sure you have a cardboard box lined with newspapers and blankets or towels and place this where she wants to nest. make sure her food , water and litter tray are near by, when she is ready she will constantly like her nether regions and she will labour for about five hours with the first kitten born after half an hour do not interfer at all she knows what to do and will clean the nest area up after each birth. if after strong labour in which she will lay down and squat there is no kitten produced take her to the vet urgently as she will need a c-section. let her eat each after birth as it helps give her strength to give birth and also stimulates her to produce her milk. she should also be checked by a vet urgently before she gives birth to make sure everything is fine. good luck email me if she abandons them as i can give you all the advise you need as i am hand rearing five lil ones as mum is in hospital.

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