Friday, July 31, 2009

What are some good ways to play with kittens?

i know you have to be gentel and stuff- but i mean, those anyone know anything cats seem to enjoy? any one know?
kittens love anything colorful and sparkly. waving and dragging around ribbon or string will bring out a lot of playfullness. Depending on the cat they may also really like little toy mice and balls with small bells in them. Another favorite tends to be the ball of feathers at the end of a bungee string and pole or lazer pointers (just don't shine them in kitty's eyes). Pretty much anything that can bring out their natural tendancies towrad hunting and playfullness is fun for both you and the kitten. Just make sure that the toys you buy won't become a choking hazard and if they do get damaged and small parts are inside be sure to throw it away.
When i had cats.they liked a ball of yarn. I used to take a piece of it and drag it slowly. They also like it if you get them those toys with the bells...good luck.
the little toys attached to strechy, bungy, string stuff...or yarn being wipped around
if you buy yarn balls or little balls with metal balls inside or balls with cat food in them.
good fun cat ideas:

- put out a PAPER grocery bag, ur cat will love to explore in it

- take a pillow and a long piece of string, put the string under the pillow. hold on to the end of the string and pull it out to the other side of the pillow. your cat will see it "disapearing" and chase after is

- roll a rubber hair eilastic on its side right infront of the cat
Get a ball of wool and let a thread dangle. Tie it up so the whole ball doesnt roll undone. A tennis ball just rolling around the floor they love as well.
lazer pointer!!! you can sit and relax while they go crazy chasing the red dot around...
take a shiny object (such as car keys) %26 tie them to the end of some string, drag it along the floor. you %26 the kitten will have a blast!
the lazer pointer jen could damage their eyes,(retinas),,,,,,laser light is very concentrated
they love yarn but don't let them have the yarn unsupervised, my bro's cat tangled herself in yarn when she was a kitten and she was left tied up on the bedroom floor for I don't know how long before the family came home from the grocery store---my mother never left her knitting supplies out again, from then on they were locked up
my cats always seemed to like those little kitty fishing poles with the catnip mouse on the end, short strings only like a couple feet long should be safe and fun, anything with catnip or a bell, my cat now likes to wrestle with doggie squeak toys and my stuffed animals---just give them attention and they will eat it up!
oh, I almost forgot they have these krinkley balls at petco that are about the size of your fist and make a paper sound when they play with them and they are really shiney---they love those, my cat carries his aorund the house in his mouth, it's only like a dollar a ball and it's hours of fun
well i have a kitten and its 5 weeks old and my kitten loves it when i take a flash light and shine it on the wall because he likes when u move it so he can chase it,or you can take a mirror and he can play with his reflection or if hes like my freinds cat who hisses at his refelction than thats not a good idea well i hope my advice works :]
Mine love crackle sounds. I often lightly crumple my newspaper and scatter it on the living room floor. They dash through them, pounce on them, and generally scatter them all over the place.
roll up a piece of aluminum.
i like to touch mine, get them used to people. just remember, if you are rough, and teach them to bite or use claws, its your fault, not thiers. so, i usually play with them like another kitten until they start to bite or use claws, then i pet them long enough to calm down, then play again.
chasing string is a traditional kitty fun, because it almost aways works. it brings out their hunting instincts.
the laser pointer is a contemporary toy, and since you can get them ridiculously cheap, an easy one to aquire. most cats go absolutely ape over it, and some will figure out where the light is coming from and act like a crack addict when it comes out.
i used to have a cat who made rubber balls bounce on any hard floor. cute as heck, annoying if we were trying to sleep.
do not use cat nip with a kitten. wait until they are about a year old, or else they get inured to it, and it will not excite them.
my cats also LOVE the plastic lock off a milk carton or frozen concentrate. they will flip those around for hours, or until it goes under something.
if it rolls, makes some noise, has an intersting texture... try it out on a cat.
i would also heavily recommend you play with them with your hands as much as possible. this is good for them to be active, and most important, used to people.

good luck
get cat string and hang it from something hi and move it around
I have two kittens and i play with them with a ball and they chase after it and they love the toys with a bell inside it when it rattles .
I just recently purchased a mouse made out of wool and inside is catnip and they have a real fun time with that, i bought it at the vet hospital where a woman makes them and sells them there and they are a huge seller.
my husband trying to have fun with them gave them a run over the floor with the broom and they loved it so much that now every time i go to sweep the floor they want to get on it and go for a run on it and it takes twice as long then for me to sweep the floors.
They also love to play in boxes but you should only have ones that are not to big.
good luck and keep us updated

My husband and I bought a bunch of toys for our cat, but he rarely plays with them! His favorite toys are things that we make for him at home...

-a piece of paper rolled up into a ball (he played fetch with it)
-a stack of plastic page protectors to pounce on and slide around in
-feathers or hair elastics tied to the end of a string that he can chase around and try to catch
-the plastic from around the cap of a gallon of milk
-soda caps

Our cat also loves when we just put a glove on our hands and play with him the way cats play... we tease him and he knows that when the glove is on, he can use claws and teeth as much as he wants as long as he avoids the exposed skin... if our cat ever bites us, we say "OUCH!" and then give him the silent treatment for a few minutes... actually, we don't have to do that anymore because he caught on really fast!

Our cat also looooves to play peek-a-boo! We peek at him from around the corner and he runs up and pounces to scare us... then we move on to a new location! The couch is a great place, because the kitty can hide under it or behind it and you can take turns peeking at each other until he decides to pounce.

Finally, our cat loves to play "monkey-in-the-middle." We just use a wad of paper for this one as well. My husband and I toss the paper back and forth to each other just above the kitty's head, and you'd be amazed how quickly and how high he will jump to try to catch it! This is fun to play with the cat on the bed and a person on the floor on each side of the bed. :)

More than anything, have a blast and get to know what your kitty likes!
Hang a piece of rope with some kind of toy in a door opening, show it to them, hit it and the hunt will be on. Even unsupervised.

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