Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Travelling by car with two cats. advice?

In May my husband and I will be travelling from Southern California to Ohio, by car. I've heard of Rescue Remedy which will calm them down, but i'm concerned about them using the bathroom... Should I buy leashes and try to walk them or should I bring a litter pan for them to use in the car? The trip will take about two days.
Advice and tips please!?!?!
My husband and I traveled cross country from Boston to Northern California. We kind of took our time but we did make it! We left October 18th and arrived in California on Nov. 01. The two cats seemed to soothe each other the car as it is one of their most unfavorite spots to be in. However we made it. We had a heck of a trip too. Our car broke down and that was horrible as we had to rent a car to get here. What we would do is in the car we did have a little litter box for them and some water. Other than that in the hotel. Set-up a litter box for them and made sure they had plenty of cold water for them! With everything else going on I would say the 2 cats were part of the happiest traveling time we had! Good Luck!!!
keep them in a cage and let them out for a few miniutes ever other hour
Bring a litter for sure maybe have someone in the back watching over them otherwise yes they can go to the bathroom in your car. Bring fun things to do with cats.
well if youguys going be going out town for 2 days then why, dont you ask one of youre best friends or next door neighbor willin take care of the cat for you when you ocme back form youre long vacation? cause i heard that cats are afarid beingin in the car will make them get car sick or even shakeing them . so be safe to have somebody to baby sit the cat for least .

About 10 years ago we moved from VA to NC. We had one cat at the time. Our vet gave mom and dad med., I don't know what, to calm her down. We put her in her carrier and went. We also had a dish handy for water and yes we did bring a small litterbox. When we stopped at the rest area and were done we let the cat walk around inside of the car,backseat, and gave her a little water and she used the litter. If your cat talks a lot don't leave alone in the car. We didn't and it was good because when she made noise she sounded like a crying baby.

Don't get the car to warm, talk to vet but don't feed prior to travel. This could upset kitty tummy.
Unless they're used to leashes already I don't think this is a good idea. I don't think you could train them by May, it usually has to be done from a very young age. I tried it on my cat once, at about a year old, and she either just lay down while I dragged her along the ground or tried to bolt in panic. I should have a litter tray in the car and sit them on it whenever you stop for a break. Best of luck, maybe they'll sleep a lot. Rescue Remedy or Felway is a good idea, or ask your vet. They give stuff for when animals go on long haul flights so why not a 2 day car journey?
They are disposable cushioned pads that will absorb and LOCK the wetness away and they feel like soft cloth. The liquid will actually disapear within 45 seconds and you can not get it back out... They are also rigid so they stay perfectly flat and under the cat the entire time. Puppy pads do not they bunch up and they do not dry for hours. So they will stay dry and comfortable
Yes. Unfortunatlly if you don't have a lot of money like me you could be a lage cage-even a dog one and put a litter box in with a couple of toys, maybe a blanket and food and water. Leashes could work and so on. Keep them together and happy. ( I didnt do good on this question-sorry) :( and :)
Get a large carrier {size that a small dog would occupy} and put a bunny bottle attached to the cage so they will have constant water, but make sure the cats get used to the carrier by leaving in the house open so they can explore as they may get very stressed if they haven't seen it before, place and old item of your clothing in so they get your scent.

Once traveling make frequent stops so you can let them out the use the bathroom you can get disposal litter boxes for travel, but make sure all your windows are up!
I have recurring dreams of this situation with my two cats - haha, not kidding and I don't know what it means!
In my dreams I worked out to eventually keep a small kitty litter tray in the back seats' footrest after they'd gotten used to the car and would just relax on the back seat. When we stopped I put leashes on them and took them for a walk and a drink of water or to go to the toilet. I have not tested any of this in real life, though.

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