Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Took in the runt of the litter,,,?

Hi, I posted a week ago about a stray who had kittens on our balcony..She has been taking care of them well, but in the past day shes moved the runt of the litter away from the rest twice. This poor baby is near half the size of the rest. He is responsive active etc. I am quite sure he is okay aside from being so small. Anyways , we decided to take him inside with us and bottle feed him. Only problem is he wont take from the bottle! I have to pour some in my hand and let him lap it up. I am afraid he wont be getting enough. Any ideas into getting him to take it? He is, we think, almost two weeks old.
Poor little thing. You're a good person for wanting to take care of him.

Try a baby syringe. They sell them in pet stores, especially designed for baby animals such as kittens, or at a pharmacy for administering human baby medication.

Gently hold him on his back and place the syringe in the corner of his mouth. Push it in gently until he opens his mouth a little and slowly depress the plunger. It will be messy, but the kitten will eat most of it.

Make sure to burp him, just as you would a human baby, and stimulate his bowels by rubbing his bottom with a warm cloth (their mother would do this, but since you took him in you are going to have to do it).

Good luck!
Try giving him it in a bowl.
take it to a vet he may have a medical problem that you do not know of or he may bee sick... that could be why the mother abandoned him
You could try soaking a cloth in milk and letting the kitty suck on that. That and be persistent with the hand feeding, the cat might just be okay after all.
what r you feed ing it?you need to get it on a new born formula,i use [just born]there's others out there,but this ones on the shelf at store.if holding the bottle up side down does it drip,the hole needs to be large enough for it to drip with out squeezing it ,the kitty will get the hint, but if its lapping out of your hand just make sure hands r washed before and after ,we use eye droppers instead of bottles,you dont want to over feed or drown it its real easy to get fluid in the lungs ,just one drop at a time,and burp it just like you would a baby ,and gently swab its privates to encourage it to potty good luck
I had to feed my runt with an eye dropper until he was big enough to drink out of a bowl. Keep an eye on the other babies. If mommy isn't home soon. bring them in and break out the bottles.
Good luck...if it were me I'd bring them all in if the mom isn't back by midnight ET. They're too young to be left alone for that long.
Good Luck with it all! I got a "runt" about 8 years ago now, and he is now almost 18 pounds...I think he'll be fine.

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