Wednesday, July 29, 2009

To the vet tech It was alive?

I pulled the kitten out and it was alive
Since this probably goes back to the question about your cat having birth problems: did you give the kitten to her mom to clean the membrane off of her? If not, then take a facecloth and gently rub the membrane off of the kitten's face and body to try and stimulate breathing.

If mom won't accept the baby, then get a little bit of butter (unsalted) and put it on the kitten's head. Then offer the kitten to her mom, who will (probably) lick off the butter (and put her own scent on the baby) The baby will be then be accepted (it's an old trick used on the farm and has never failed).

You should get mom and the kittens to the vet asap. If mom had a problem with the birth, she may be hemorrhaging (internal bleeding) which needs immediate attention.

Good luck, honey.
um whats the questions? please be more elaborate
Say what?
What exactly is the question? I'm glad the kitten was alive. Did you take it to the vet to make sure it's okay?
usually they are alive when they come out of the mom cat. hope your is ok
ummm i'm glad the kitten was alive but what exactly did you pull him out of?

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