Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Uh oh! I just found out Miss Kitty is actually a MISTER! What are some good MASCULINE names for him?

He needs something that can't be confused as being girly.
I tried and tried to come up with a different name for my male kitten. Finally I settled on Caesar. I wanted him to have a name of dignity. I know pets are supposed to have one syllable names; but this name is hard to cut short. Anytime you say his name he does come running.
Mr. Kitty. or just Mister, Max, carson.
ummmmmmmmmmmmm! thats a tough one try Salem, thats a nice name on a cat well good luck on that
Mr. Cat? Ooohhh.. I know! Jack, Jack, The Pirate Cat! Really! My cousins have two cats. One is named Puff, the other is Jack. That's all I can think of. Hope I helped. Yeah. sorry.. not much of a cat person, I never had one.
tabby, what is it,what it's name,tom,tiger,prince,check the way the act names come easy even scamp.
umm well if you want a totally different name then go about with something that says what he looks lke or how he acts. But if you want to keep it around the same how about Mr. Cat. I always liked the name bubba for a boy cat too so goodluck finding a name!!
Actually at the pet daycare where I work we currently have a "Mr Kitty" boarding.
My daughter has a Miss Kitty, must be a common name, huh?
A friend of ours had a Chester that turned out to be a Hester...
You could always dub him Sir Galahad.
Or even Marshall Dillon...
try chi-chi malo which is spanish for little bad boy ,it was my dogs name and everyone loves it because it is so different.
Orion (or just ryan)
Xuchou (pronounced Sue-Jo)
Kritterfer (christopher) (chris) (kritter)
Lol, the same thing happened with my cat. I took 'her' to the vet to get her spaded, only to have the vet tell me that my little girl was a little boy haha. Luckily his name was Patches which is sort of a unisex name.
How about Buster?

My kitten might look like your cat when he is older. =)
Frankie Charlie Chuck. or Chester.. or ..Bruno the skull crusher... thats masculine.
From the old western show there was a Miss Kitty and the Marshall in town was Matt Dillon so that would be a good transition.Either Mr Dillon or Matt.
he looks like a Rusty.
.Mr. Miss Kitty. That's as best I can do, which is not good. BTW, I liked the video and pictures
Tiger, Jack, Mister Kitty, Kitty (and a Witty if you please) That's all I have unless you want Ben or Owen, Dalton, Nick, (then if he gets a tick you can call him Nick the Tick) Ignacio,(not my fave)Zac, Jesse, James, JJ, TJ, (any combination works)
Keep it Miss Kitty because its funny that way.
i named my dog traffic.
oh good god hes cute!! our male cats name is griffin... we adopted him though, so we didnt have to go through the trouble of picking a name! LOL how about prince, king, buddy, tiger?

side question; in the second pic, it looks like his tail was chopped? did something happen? im just curious, b/c our kitty griffin's tail looks just like that, and it was that way when we adopted him. just curious as to what could be the cause?
Tom. since he's a tomcat.

or TIGGER. cuz he's orange striped like Tigger
We have a cat that looks just like him, and his name is Mr. Kitty!!
How about Matthew, or Mr. Dillon? Or maybe Festus.
MR, MR I have one cat called Kat
Boy George Charlie
Duke Sylestor
Rim shot
hot shot

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