Sunday, August 2, 2009

What cat should i get?

I want an effectionate breed of cat that doesnt malt too much
Ragdolls are lovley. They are very affectionate and they dont shed much. They are quite expensive because its a new breed. You can expect to pay around $500+ but it is worth the money. They are pretty easy to care for but need lots of attention.
LOL doesnt malt? You mean shed??

Go to the local animal shelter and find a short haired cat that suits you. Its hard to judge by breed. They have special rooms where you can sit with the cat and see if it has a bond with you. :)
Calicos are the best! They are playful and quite smart... I have one and she is a doll. She is my alarm clock (seriously she wakes me up at the same time everyday by placing her paw on my forehead), my comedian, my comforter and my bookworm (she doesnt like me to study or read so when she sees me doing so she plops in my books/magazines and starts scratching the pages...)

Lastly, calicos stay pretty petite and are not hard to maintain at all. My cat liked her monthly baths and she liked riding around in my car also...

You will have tons of fun spoiling her!
There can be effectionate cats in all breeds.

Please go look at your local SPCA or your local Animal Control. There are MANY homeless animals that are looking for some affection too. And lots of times you can get a good full blooded breed there too. In our city, if you adopt from Animal Control, they give you a certificate for a vet visit so that you can have the animal checked out and tested for various illnesses. If the animal has parvo, or something else and you don't want it, you just take it back to Animal Control and get your money back.

Please consider adopting. I have never been disappointed.
Your best bet is to get the first cat that you "feel".
You can tell by looking at one if it is the right one for will be a "gut" feeling.
All cats shed..unless you get a hairless one.
I have a handsome orange tabby short hair(Butterscotch is his name).and he is the most affectionate cat I have ever had..always on me..and always needing to be by me..even in bed at night he has to be "touching" me in some way.
He is 5 years old on the 7th of June, and I would not take a billion dollars for him.
I wish you luck in finding the cat of your dreams ;-)
You will know when you see me ;-)
Go to your local shelter, ask a lot of questions of certain cats - no breed is all affectionate. It depends on the cat. You usually have to give them an application before you can take the cat home, so get it in ASAP. It's kitten season, so they are being put to sleep at very high rates right now. Go save one! You will have so many to choose from. They should let you play with the cat and see it's temperment. Remember though that it is a high stress place and they may be more affectionate once they come home.
The PERFECT breed for you is the Devon Rex. They are super affectionate and loyal and their hair is sooo short and fine they barely shed (not malt) very much at all! I LOVE mine!
go to a shelter and see who picks you out.
ALL cats shed no mater what type of hair they have. Every cat needs some sort of grooming to minimize the hair but it will never get rid of all the hairr
get a himilayan or persian. They are soo beautiful and affectionate. Get one with a doll face(pet qualitiy) not a smushed face (show quality). We have both and both are so freaking affectionate that it is sometimes annoying. Lex will come up and lay on whatever you are reading until you pet him and if you try to move him, he moves right back. And Raven.well you just can't get away from her. She loves to lay with you have be petted.
You will know when you see the cat, that that is the one you should get. All cats are special and should be loved. I did find that the Abbysian were extra affectionate.

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