Sunday, August 2, 2009

What can I do for my cat who in HEAT? She is such a ****!!Hunching everything.Maybe I use wet Q-Tips? (ha-ha)?

I have never had a cat before and don't really know what to do. Geting her fixed maybe?.She will hunch on nothing at all and be squelling with pleasure..She always starts when I have company...
number one, KEEP HER INSIDE!! You do NOT want to create more cuddly kittens that will end up being euthanized because there aren't enough homes.

number 2.. get her fixed as SOON as she goes out of heat (call your vet today and ask him about it.) Insist on waiting till she goes out of heat, because he'll charge you more for the operation if she's currently in heat or pregnant (if she's pregnant it would be the equivalent of a kitty abortion to do the procedure).

Hang on for a week or two and as soon as she starts acting normal get her fixed! She'll never go into heat again, you won't have to worry about her spraying (females in heat SOMETIMES spray a LITTLE), and you will be a responsible pet owner who will help control the population problem. If you don't know what the big deal is, call a normal shelter (not a "no kill") and ask how many cats and kittens they euthanize every week because there aren't enough loving homes to go around.

GOod luck to you and your kitty. If you live through these couple of weeks now, you can make sure it never happens again :).

when you have company, shut her in a room out of hearing range of your guests.
Spay your female cat, which will probably resolve this problem and by spaying your female less male cats are likely to howl by your window. The last thing you need is your female to become pregnant which happens so quickly and easily. I am going to spay my six month old kitten tomorrow.
Spaying the cat will eliminate any problems that occur from going into heat.

Once a female cat becomes a queen (basically queens are females of breeding age), she will continously go into heat until impregnated. Since cats are spontaneous ovulators, this can occur every 2-3 weeks.

Spaying her will eliminate many unwanted behaviors and will help with the overall life of your cat and her health.

It will also help to reduce mammory cancer and other associated cancers, prevent unwanted litters, stop the vocalization and rubbing.

If you'd like to learn more about cats and their heat cycles try these links:

Why is my cat always in heat?
get her spayed!
Well if you've never had a cat before, allow me to introduce you to the basics of cat care.

You do need to get your cat spayed. This is fine to do when she's in season, UNlike b itches who should not really be spayed in season. Please do it, not just for her comfort (and for yours) but her health - it will prevent mammary and ovarian cancers as well as pyometra.

Your cat should also be regularly de-fleaed - yes, EVEN if she's an indoor cat, they still get fleas. If she's allowed outside she should be regularly dewormed and vaccinated too.

But it is most important right now to get her spayed.


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