Sunday, August 2, 2009

What can we do about our rescue kitten (about 1 year old) tormenting one of our older cats & making it nervous

Time will hopefully make it better. Since the cat is only 1 years old, it probably has a lot more energy than the older cat and wants to play. Get the 1 year old some toys. Hopefully that will distract the kitten.
Give your older cat a lot of attention, because he may feel jealous of the new cat.
Here is a novel Idea! Make the kitten behave! How, you ask? buy a water gun,and when he is doing something you don't want, say stop and squirt his face with water.
You have to introduce the kitten slowly to the other cats11
The older cats are not as energetic as the kitten. They need a place where they can get away from the kitten.
Make sure each cat has its owner litter box. That can really cause you a lot of problems if not.
Your kitten may need a time out once in awhile. Do you have a crate where you can put it once in awhile so the others can get out and play.
It will take time and the other will come around if they are given the time to do so. If not given the time they may never get along.
Doing it slowly is so important. Let the cats be around together for short periods of times then take the kitten into another room. Before you know it the cats will come looking for the kitten.
Good Luck
it wants to mate just keep them apart for a bit

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