what can i do if i take my kittins to anothr country by drivinng. they r about 7 months old. or a 2 houre flight
You need to find out the regulations of the country you plan to visit. You didn't say what country you are in or what country you are going to, so I can't be more specific.
I did a google search and found some websites that you can visit that are geared towards answering your questions.
You need to know about requirements like insurance, shots, health certificates, microchipping (recommended), and whether they would put the kittens into impound or hold for several days to ensure they are healthy before allowing them into the country.
I am unsure why you want to travel with your kittens. It really can be difficult and leaving them in a kennel or with a friend might be better. When I was in Mexico, there was a company that created a "Pet Passport" and I highly recommend you get one for each kitten if you take them. They are made to look like human passports, but they have a place for identifying information and a photo of the pet and this helps a lot.
I did a google search on "taking animals to canada" but if you are going somewhere else, put that country's name in and redo my search. The two sites below cover more than just Canada, so do visit them. The first one has a pull-down menu of countries they give information on.
As far as I know all countries require you to declare the import of live animals. You will need to read up on all the regulations, probably you will have to get them vaccinated, possibly the country you are bringing them too requires a period of quarantine for your kittens.
Taking them on a flight, you will need to enquire with the airline whether they have facilities for transporting of animals, and then you will need to pre-arrange this. The payment is usually by weighing your cats (each in separate approved travel carriers) and you pay access luggage fees for the weight of the cats + carriers.
If you do take them on the flight, make sure that they have enough warm blankets in the carrier and water and food for the journey. It can be cold in the animal compartment of the plane.
It is probably better if you could bring them by driving, that way you are with the cats all the time and it's definitely a more pleasant experience for them than a flight.
it can affect them but anyway ask a vet
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