Sunday, August 2, 2009

What can I do to stop my cats from keeping me up all night?

I have tried closing my bedroom door but they just pound on it all night and "cry". I tried this for a month with no success. I tried to spray some special cat "deterrant" on the door but it didn't work (maybe i need something better). I only have a 1 bedroom apartment so I can't separate them by more than my bedroom door. I have tried to spray them with water but they just keep coming back. Help! They are 5 years old and I don't want to have to get rid of them but I need my sleep (I even purchaseda tempurpedic mattress to try and help me), Oh and don't say sleeping pills or alcohol...
I was going 2 suggest sleeping pills and alcohol 4 ur cats:) Since that's not what ur looking 4, can u make sure they're up all day? Have u tried locking them in the bathroom?
make them into a nice cosy fur blanket

no seriously keep them awake all day, cats sleep for around 18hrs a day so if they stay awake all day theyll have to sleep eventuall

this worked with our cat
Have you tried letting them sleep in bed with you? Otherwise, I am not sure what you can do.
Well sounds like they are attached to you, anyways I would say try cageing them at night for awhile see if that helps them to calm down some. You might consider talking to your vet about it also.
Put it outside.
Play with them before you go to bed..everynight...then they get the loving they want ans should lay on the bed or go off somewhere to sleep..Its like babies you have to make them sleepy before putting them to bed..Good luck..
ear plugs
a few nites of igoring them should sort them out it did my cat and now no earplugs and contented nite's sleep
open the door let them in and let them sleep with you they love you and want your company they are night starkers and most people let them out at night and they come home in the am.but your in and apt so unless you sure you neighbors arent going to hurt them and they will come home in the am let them out at night.but you have had them inside so long just open the bedrm door and sleep with them hope this helps
my cat will do this, I just let her sleep in my bedroom at night- I leave my door open just a crack so that she can come and go as she pleases during the night- she does not do anything that keeps me awake when she is in the room- just curls up atthe foot of my bed and sleeps. If this is not an option, get a kitty kennel and put them in their at night- they may still meow but you wont hear them pounding on your door.
Try keeping them stimulated as much as possible during the day- you can train them to be still and quiet at night- it does take a little time.
In my experience- besides a dog, I have not found any efffective cat deterrant sprays.
I think your best option would be a roomy cage, maybe a large dog carrier or something to put at the farthest corner of the appartment from your bedroom, put a comfy blanket in it and put the kitties in their for the night
I don't think you should give the cats sleeping pills or alcohol...just kidding. I have two cats, both who miss me while I am at work all day and love the idea of being with me all night. But like yourself I need my sleep. I have the luxury of putting them in a basement at night and just in case I might hear them I run a fan all night. I really don't recommend using a spray bottle on your cat for wanting to come in your room. You shouldn't punish them for behaving normally. The only thing you can do is be sure to spend time with them every morning and night. Close the bedroom door when it's time for bed and don't give in to them, try running a fan or wear earplugs so you don't hear them crying. They will get use to it. If that doesn't work - call your vet. Good Luck.
Cats are nocturnal (active at night) by nature. You'll need to work to 'reset' their schedule. Make sure they have plenty to keep them occupied during the day - this link has great suggestions:

Every evening, set aside some time for a good play therapy session:
Follow the play session with a nice, filling meal of a high-quality canned cat food (see for information on choosing a good canned food). That will help to mimic the natural activity of hunting and feeding, which should help them to sleep. Provide them with some nice soft cat beds of their own (piles of soft towels will work well too) up on top of some furniture- cats prefer to sleep up on things to feel safer.

Make sure that you aren't unintentionally encouraging their nightime antics by getting up %26 playing with them, talking to them, petting them, feeding them, or even yelling at them - it's all attention. DO NOT open the door for them when they cry, no matter how persistent they are. Giving up %26 opening the door for them after they cry persistently (even if it's to spray them with water) just teaches them to be more persistent. Expect them to be VERY persistent about it for a while until they finally figure out it isn't getting them anywhere. To help you sleep while they're learning crying doesn't work, you can either try sleeping with some soft foam earplugs from the drugstore so you won't hear them, or set up a vacuum cleaner near your bed, where you can reach the switch from your bed, and plug it in. If they bother you at night or start yowling or scratching at the door, switch on the vacuum cleaner. The 'vacuum monster' coming to life should discourage them from bothering you - they should make the connection pretty quickly.

Here's an article about excessive nocturnal activity in cats:

This link has information about the needs of an indoor cat - making sure all of their mental and physical needs are met will help to make them better companions:

Hope this helps!
Like another said here why not let the cats sleep with you? Cats for some reason hate closed doors especially if there owners are inside.Sometimes when I want to keep the cats out I put a pillow outside the door so the cats can't dig at the door.But having 5 cats one of them always comes up with a better ideal on how to annoy me on the outside of the door.
you might have to get into a normal routine to make your cat comfy when you go to bed. we have three cats and trying to share a bed with all of them is not good. our oldest one tends to get up in the middle of the night and knock things over, so he gets a bowl of milk and then he knows that he's to go to bed. Our cats sleep with us and we make sure that they know it's bed time. Cats usually are more active at night than during the daytime, but if you get into a normal routine with them, it might help you get some sleep.

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