Monday, May 24, 2010

What is a good lie to tell my friend?

my "friend" dumped a cat on me years ago even though I said I don't want one. so after many years I dropped off the cat at a humane center. I need a good lie to explain what happened to the cat he dumped on me. What would be a good lie?
it ran got out and you haven't seen it for a few days but left a bowl of food out "hoping" it will come back..*haha* simple stuff nothing crazy like aliens came to do studies on way humans love cats and you're hoping to get the results back...that's not to believable lol, but if you ever get some reports let me know right now I'm off once again to clean up cat hair balls *BLEK*
be honest... just say you couldn't love the cat the way the cat needed and you wanted it to have a better life than you were giving it...

lying is never good
There is no such thing as a "good lie". That's like saying that there is an "honest lawyer". It's an oxymoron.

If you had reason for dropping the cat off at the humane center, then tell this person why you felt that you needed to do that. If your friend catches you in a lie, then you lose the friend. Do you normally lie to friends? OR better yet, do you want your friends to be dishonest and lie to you? Think it over.

Do the right thing...tell the truth.
the truth, you told him you didnt want the cat in the first place. After he "dumped" the cat on you, it became your responsibility to do as you please, if you wanted to get rid of it, it was your choice to do so. After so many years of being more responsible than he, he has no right to ask where the cat is.
Well maybe your friend didn't really register in their brain that you didn't want a cat. Lies are bad. Meany.
NO lie's a good lie the truth is always your best option... lying will bite you in the butt
Just tell them the truth. The humane society should take the pet. Only you will know that you didn't tell them the truth if you lie.
Obviously your "friend" wasn't a friend or you wouldn't have ended up with a cat. The best is to just tell your "friend" that you took it to the animal shelter because you couldn't take care of it anymore.
Tell your "friend" you ate his cat. See what he says. I am sure the needle was a better death than what your "friend" had for the cat. You did the best that you could. I feel sorry for your "friend".
u should tell him the truth, maybe he can find him back. good luck.
you could say it died
You need to be honest. Tell him that you were not able to properly care for the animal and took it to the shelter where it could get a home.

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