I'm asking this out of curiosity, because I know there are still a lot of misconceptions about cats and people that own them. I'm even a victim of this. I have to admit that I was slightly hesitant to get a cat. In fact I only got one as sort of a second choice. My apartment building has a very strict no dog policy. I really wanted a pet so I adopted a little kitten, and I named him Benny. Now that I have one, I feel sort of dumb for falling prey all those years to the stereotypes about cats. You know the whole cats are girly thing. Cats are not friendly, they smell, etc. All that stuff is bogus, they rock! They are great, and they make such fun low-maintenance pets. I still love dogs too, but now I love cats as well.
I LOVE IT!!!! It's ADORABLE!!!!!!
I'm no lady but if you would allow me to answer anyway: I think it's a plus. It shows a feline (feminine) side to a man. Lord knows it's a given men already have more testosterone than they know what to do with.
I love kitties and i know a lot of guys who have them. i dont know any stereotypes about them but i like alot of guys who have cats. it doesnt matter
As long as you don't go overboard and get a ton of cats and cat statues and talk about your cat all the time, I think you're good. Besides, Benny is a good cat-name and isn't frilly or anything. If you explain the situation as well, they might find it humorous but sweet and might like you more.
I think it's great! It shows that you can take care of and bond with another living being. Just be aware that some of us, unfortunately, have cat allergies so might be a little hesitant to "come back to your place". :)
My kids think I'm a crazy old cat lady. 50 and 2 cats. They make perfect low maintance pets for small apts. I don't know about yours but mine sit in the front window waiting for me to come home and they greet me at the door.
cats are cool dude... dont fall to the stereotyping... having a dog is like having a kid
Cats do rock and I can't date a man who doesn't love them because I won't give mine up! For girls who aren't animal people, you'll face the usual stereotypes, but for most girls, who love all things cuddly...cats...puppies...babi... it's a plus, not a negative. As long as you retain your "masculinity" in other areas I"m sure you'll be fine. I think most ladies will be fairly neutrual about it. Some will love it like me, and other will hate it. Ultimately though, if someone refuses to accept that you can be a man and own a cat, then she's probably rather shallow anyway.
I never agreed with the idea that cats are female companions, while dogs are male companions.
Think of it this way...how many men do you know, that get ''Toy/Teacup'' dogs? Where do you think the big burly cats find homes? With the men.
My husband adores cats, and we're both huge dog lovers. He keeps buggin' me about getting a kitten.
Appreciating and loving a cat makes you a more attractive man, in my opinion. Any man who says "I hate cats" must have a few screws loose and should be treated with caution. You have fun with your pet and take care of it regardless of its species and that shows others that you are more likely to be a responsible, intelligent and tolerant person.
basically- it will all come down to whether or not she likes cats.
My brother and his wife are cat lovers and currently have 3 rescues.
Most girls with think its admirable in my opinion, or at least they should. Any man whose an animal lover tends to make a good boyfriend.
(statisically, those that don't like animals or have been known to be abusive to animals tend to do crimes against people as well.)
So an animal lover of any kind, cats- dogs- whatever, tend to be a good bet.
but again- some girls love dogs more than cats and that could be a deciding factor between Joe with a boxer and Steve with a Domestic shorthair.
I personally think its a plus.
There are a lot of stereotypical ways that insecure men have to proclaim their "masculinity" - their cars, their guns, their predatory dogs.
From a woman's standpoint there is one sure way of proving that a man is a "real" man. It's not something one has to prove anyway it's just a natural part of life.
I'm glad that you can enjoy having a wonderful feline in your life and you will surely never be labeled as an "old cat lady".
The only stereotyping that I personally think about men and animals is this.women are like cats and men are like dogs. I never heard that a guy isn't supposed to like cats. I think if you're a man and you like cats, then you may be able to understand women a little better!! Cats are the best pet, I think. I love cats...its fine that u do too!
Pets, like clothing, cars, and homes, reflect on the personality of the owner.
The people that like cats, and automatic feeders/ water fountains, and self-cleaning litter boxes... prefer independent, smart, and affectionate pets that don't require walks and poop scoops every 4 hours.
I thought my current B.F wasn't a cat lover ( I have two) until my lil kitty cuddled right up to him one night. (the tart!) My heart melted. It made me see a different side to him watching him give her a scratch behind the ear. He has a dog himself.
It shows a soft side to a man. I trust my cats when they will avoid a person. They know!
Well, at first I wasn't really sure about it. It just seemed kind of weird to me, but then I went over to one of my best guy friends houses that I hadn't seen in a long time and he had two kittens. And the way he was acting around them made him so much more attractive to me. It was amazing. So now I love guys with cats!
I gotta tell you that I have been a cat owner since I was 18yrs old and I'm 40+ and If you spend a lot of time with them and use single word commands and the tones of your voice can train a cat to respond as good if not better than a dog. I am happily married now and my wife is totally amazed at what my cat's personality and the way she responds to commands and the low maintance(compared to dogs) just keep the litter box clean daily,(remember that cats clean (lick) themselves and if the litter box isn't cleaned daily they can get various infections from licking their paws clean after being in uncleaned litter box) And in my younger days I would take my cat to the beach with me and the women would swarm on me and the cat loved the attention too, so enjoy your cat and the unconditional love they give you! And ''to hell'' with all the narrow minded people that put cats down, I say ''live and let live'' My opening line to women was ''Hey, what do you think of a guy that loves cats?'' and if I got a good responce I'd take it to the next level. So rock on with ladies and your cat!
When i first met my partner his family had 4 cats. To tell you the truth i always thought of cats as old lady pets, but being around these cats with him was totally different. We moved in to a place otgether and he brought me a kitten for christmas and he is soooo gentle and caring with her. But he is the best at getting her to play and do all the crazy kitten stuff. We recently got a new kitten - a male and my partner calls him his 'little mate'
I dont think there is anything wrong with a guy having a cat. they make great companions and provide a laugh when they do something incredibly stupid!!
I just got a kitten today and he is great! I think a guy that has a cat is sweet, any guy that can take care of a cat tells me that he is caring and worthwhile. But there is a medium, if a guy has like 4 cats it would make me run to the door.
Well, if men who love cats are whooses, what are women who love dogs then? Cats bring out the sensual side in humans, develop a person's awareness of and care for smaller beings People who live harmoniously with cats generally don't have a need to control everyone and everything and respect an independent nature. I know for me I like the freedom of not having to be home at specific times to walk a pet, I can leave my critters at home when I go away for days at a time, can leave them inside all the time so I don't have worry about them outside. I also find the way cats sometimes sleep amusing--our male cat looks kind of like a pretzel right now and he's sound asleep. Among many other things.
I'm a lady... and I think it's awsome for men to own and love cats!!! As a matter of fact, it makes you more of a man! It shows a sensitive, compassionate person within. I wish you and Benny many, many happy years together.
It's great that you have one !
Regardless of all the negative things people say about a man who likes cats, most women would welcome such a man into their lives, especially if the lady is a cat lover herself. I know I would never have been interested in a man who did not like them! Strangely, knowing that a man loves cats, seems to make them more endearing, knowing that they are just as vulnerable as we are, and that they are soft hearted and gentle. I think that just by you asking this question, you have shown that you are indeed a tenderhearted man, and I'm sure you would not want a cat hating lady to be interested in persuing a relationship with you anyway!
I would worry more about someone who doesn't have a pet - that's just abnormal !
I know several guys who have cats - nothing strange about that - anyone who knows cats knows they aren't all sweetness and light
Personally, I would never become involved with a man that did not love animals as much as I do! That is not to say that they must have a pet, just that they have to be open to the idea. I think a man that has a cat and treats the kitty well and with love, is a good man indeed!! My boyfriend had two cats when I met him. He loves those cats and has come to love the kitties that I brought into the relationship with me as well! I suggest that if the girl you are interested in has an allergy to cats..she can take an over the counter allergy medication before she comes over to your house.;) Good for you for giving Benny a good and loving home!!
makes me go all gooey inside. A man with a cat has a sensitive side. Women find that very attractive.
I'll always look twice at a man cuddling a cat because they know that it takes respect and patience to earn a cat's love. Dogs are great but they are too easy to fool.
Nice choice!
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