Monday, May 24, 2010

What dothink of the name midnight for a black kitten?

i think it sounds good. how about u? She has black fur and golden eyes
midnight sounds great I think
every black cat i have met has been midnight and shadow...try something else
She sounds beautiful, it's a lovely name. Enjoy your new kitten!
I think it is over used as a name for any black pet.
A fantastic name! ^_^ Thumbs up.
my black cats name is big nig . i thought it was funny
It's been done before. I've had a couple black cats. My sister named both of them, one Jellybean and the other Frankie. My boyfriend has a black cat named Bagheira (like in the jungle book).
I think the name is an awesome name as long as you keep in mind when you get mad at it you are going to be scolding midnight. But, sounds like a beautiful kitten with a nice name.
It sounds cute.
Too mediocre.
awwwwwwww cute!"goe for it....
Remeber to get that lil kitten spayed or neutered by atleast 4 0r 5 months!
that guys cats name is big nig thats awesome. but midnight, is pretty cool but overused like everyone else has said. i have a black cat named henry. so whatever floats your boat, go with it
I think it sounds good. I had a black cat named midnight before. Its a perfect name for your kitten. We had a cat once that was also black(besides the kitten I just mentioned) I named her "Tasha" because she reminded me of a russian lady with a black mink coat. she was an awesome cat. anyway that is a good name too.
Personally, I think it's overdone and not original. Not a bad name, per say, but I prefer names with deeper symbolism or meaning behind them.

It's your cat, though, so if you like the name than go for it. Who cares what anyone else thinks? :o)

Carolann - I just read Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers Soul and there was a story about a shelter worker naming all black cats Jellybean. She swore it helped them get adopted faster because a black cat is "ordinary" and the name made them stick out more. Never thought I'd hear of another cat named Jellybean, other than that book.
Every black cat is midnight. My brother named his, "Attilla the HUNgry"
Midnight is too common. try another name like Bassy
Yes, I had a cat named midnight and I loved him sooo much. He was completly black and had golden eyes too.
Naaaah. How about... Snowflake? Snowball? Chalky? Mistletoe? Peppermint? YT (Whitey)?
Its beautiful!
I think common but its your cat so go for it!

or how about
Chimney sweep
Jinx (bad luck thing)

Oh well hope it helped!

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