Friday, May 21, 2010

What could be wrong with my poor little kitty?

her eye is closing on her, and she keeps looking at me so sadly, she keeps licking her paw then rubbing her eye, could she have an infection? Is there an over the counter remedy I could buy for this. I just noticed this today, wont be able to get to a vet until probably monday, is there anything I can do now to help her? shes breaking my heart. can this spread to her other eye, or to kids?
Sorry dear, but the problem with your kitty is that she has an owner that isn't calling a vet. At least CALL, they will answer all your questions and tell you if you can treat it at home, or need a visit. good luck
Try taking a warm wet wash cloth and covering her eye. Keep the eye rinsed out with a war NOT HOT eye dropper. What those claws!
If this does not work or it get worse by monday call a vet. If she doesn't have goo oozing she may have something in it.
There might be a vet open tomorrow..check your yellow pages and see or even an 24 hr care vet..there are some out there. hope your kitty is fine..
depending on what the problem is, yes, it can spread to her other eye, and yes, it might be able to spread to humans.

you can clean her eye with a luke warm saline solution = warm water in a cup with a pinch of salt.
swab her eye gently using this and a cotton ball (make sure you wash your hands well before and after).

then get her to the vet as soon as you can. a bad eye infection can cause blindness.. she will probably need anitibiotic cream.
warm wash cloth def... when i got my kitten when i found her when was was 3 weeks old and starved her eye was sealed shut and swollen i opened the eye and puss came out alot ... scared me i thought i busted her eye but she had an eye infection and i used a clean warm wash cloth everyday ... it like a pink eye on cats .. there eyes will drain and it can close on them u need to keep it clean and it should get better .. no eye drops or nothing like that just use a wash cloth that wha i used and her eye got better when i could take her to the vet the vet said her eye was improving using this so keep doing it and it did get better .. but i dont think it could spread to your kids but it can spread to her other eye.. it just like having a pink eye in a human perspective ... if the wash cloth does not seem like it improving your cat eye in a week doing so take her to the vet not a vet but i know vets told me nothing about salt i wouldnt use salt if i was u.. u would put salt and warm water on your eye it dry out and burn now imagine it on a cat more sensitivty
Kitty may have some kind of eye irritation. Dissolve a pich of table salt in a cup of distilled or purified warm water. Use it to gently wash kitty's eyes. Use a cotton ball. The salt will help kill bacteria and the warm water wil help sooth kitty's eyes. It is NOT important that kitty's eyes remain open while you clean it out. If the eye does not improve by Monday, take kitty to the vet.
She definitely got an eye infection and yes it cud spread to her other eye as well. Theres not dat u can really do at home coz da doc will need to give her an antibiotic injection and put some eyes drops in her eye for now u can call da vet n just ask for da appropriate eye drop and do take an appointment for da earliest as per ur convenience. Taking her to da vet is important. Cats need anti-rabies, deworming and some other kinda injections to keep them fit.
is a cold fever.feed ur kitty anti biotic pil(for ppl use is same),with water/milk .pam inside to his/her mouth.1 day twice.
Yes, there is an over the counter remedy. The type I used most recently was a powder that was "puffed" into the eye. I can't remember the name. I live in a rural area of the south and we have "farm %26 feed" type stores, and they sell many OTC meds. Best wishes! E-mail me if you have trouble finding the meds...
If she's rubbing her eye I think it's more likely she has a foreign object in there (like a speck of glass or maybe a hair poking her). A foreign body may cause a secondary infection. Dogs do not usually rub their eyes when they have infections.

You need to get to a vet asap, but until then the only thing that is safe is to use cooled boiled water on cotton wool and gently wipe the eye. Try to stop the puppy from rubbing it, it will only make it worse.

Are there really no vets in your area that are open weekends? That's pretty rubbish. Look on, look at your area to see if there are any weekend vets.


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